Thursday 9 February 2012

The Lion, the Witch, the Wardrobe and. . . . . . Separation?

Coruscate's London branch has been commissioned to design a bespoke workshop for GCSE students on the theme of Separation. So far, the group have been studying the theme in relation to World War Two and Evacuation. Our work will use C.S. Lewis' The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe as inspiration for puppetry and drama activities designed to explore the theme in an original and unpredictable way!

Using puppetry to look at Separation will provide some really interesting experiments as we explore the distance between the puppet and the puppeteer whilst operating different types of puppet. A glove or body puppet, for example actually attaches to the puppeteer's body and become part of them. A shadow puppet on the otherhand is in itself very separate from the image it throws on to a projection screen. Lewis offers us a wealth of different character relationships in his well-loved children's novel. How might Edmund's dangerous bond with the White Witch be expressed through puppetry? Or Aslan's often ethereal presence?

By practically exploring physical separation, the students will be able to make a connection between their bodies and an emotional response to the subject. 

Those of you familiar with the story will know that it opens in the heart of war-torn London, with the Pevensie children being evacuated out to the country. Using choreography techniques, we will play with gesture, barriers and touch to physically bring to life this key opening to the story.

If you have any thoughts on your own reponse to the theme of Separation, we would love to hear them!

Saturday 4 February 2012

Collaborative Opportunities!

Coruscate Theatre has been extremely busy in both branches!

Coruscate Theatre in the East Midlands has recently established collaborative opportunities with the Nottingham Arts Theatre, with plans to deliver an adult education course, activities for 5-7 year-olds, "a play in a week" during the summer for young people and are auditioning for a youth production of The Boy Friend...tomorrow!

Alongside this collaboration, we have also decided to revive our first company production of Fern and Rose, which received Lottery Funding in 2010. With a few adjustments to cast, staging and the music, we hope to start rehearsals soon and perform in late June/early July. We will keep you posted. This production will fall under the recently established 'performance arm' of Coruscate Theatre: The Experimentrio Project. We aim to create, devise and experiment with other productions and material throughout this year, in which we will be seeking to collaborate with artists from different skill sets.

Coruscate Theatre in the East Midlands is now part of the Nottingham Emerging Theatre Companies Network - a support group for emerging companies in Nottinghamshire. With a handful of fantastic theatre companies involved, we hope to strengthen our profile in the East Midlands and collaborate with new, inspiring theatre companies.

We are becoming increasingly involved with Nottingham Beyond Borders, as part of our community work and input. This organisation works with asylum seekers and refugees, providing them with opportunities to develop their skills, primarily in the Arts. We are awaiting an answer for our Grants for the Arts application, which we submitted in collaboration with Nottingham Beyond Borders. If we're successful, we will be offering Theatrical Storytelling workshops for asylum seekers and refugees. Fingers crossed!

Exciting times lie ahead as we busily fulfil the education, community and performances branches for Coruscate Theatre!